
Niek by Studio Mimik_MG_8357.jpg

“I have severe ADHD and therefore I am super chaotic. When most people have 5 thoughts at the same time, I have 50. Since I listen to techno my life changed. It’s more ordered. While listening everything falls into place and I feel more at ease.
My most wonderful memory is the moment I decided to start DJing myself. I can express my emotions and I get a peace of mind. I love the repetitive structure and the challenge to build up a good set. There is a lot of depth in techno.
The parties bring me freedom. I can be who I want to be. I can show my kinky side and talk about sexuality. On techno parties it’s in general not about scoring a date. People are genuinely interested in each other and look beyond appearance. I dream of a world where everyone accepts each other unconditionally.”

📸 @hedonsonance / Annelies Kietselaer

Lie A. Kietselaer