
2019011 Marco by Studio Mimik for Hedon Sonance_MG_9005.jpg

“I love the dark and to merge with her and techno. Feeling weightless, no talking, just this and the moment you are feeling. The sweat that runs all over your body while dancing. Your feet that hits the concrete and this moment in the dark that only belongs to you.
I am a rainbow, colorful and black. This reflect in the way I am clubbing too. When I am in the mood, I get in my glitter pants and go to Kater Blau to space. Or I go as clown to Sisyphos to make people laugh and have fun. Sometimes When I don’t want to see or speak anyone, I go to Berghain or Griessmuehle. I just go dancing, sweat and smile. These are all different sides of my personality and different ways to celebrate techno.
One of my favorite clubs is KitKat. Techno and sexuality form a symbiosis here, and everyone can be who they really are. Love when, who and where they want. It doesn't matter which sexual orientation you belong to or how you dress. This is one of the places where I learned a lot about myself and changed. The people here are like a second family. They give you the same warm feeling when you are on the sofa with a blanket.
I was 21 when I was falling in love with techno and we are in a very good relationship, I think. It’s the longest of my life. If techno was a girl, I want to thank her for being on my side every day even in the darkest nights. Thank you for all the good memories and that you for protecting my soul. I hope we will get a long future together. Techno has shaped my life like nothing else and it will always be part of my life”

📸 @hedonsonance / Annelies Kietselaer

Lie A. Kietselaer