Ingredients for success: melodic techno and an open minded crowd

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Mollie never went to techno parties: too hard and not enough melodies. Until he ended up at Eerste Communie. He was sold right away and went to all three editions. Why? Read his report and you will find out.

‘I heard there will be an illegal party tomorrow. Do you feel like going with us?’ asked my long time party friend Dee on a Saturday last June. Usually the type of music  at illegal parties is not my cup of tea. It’s too hard and often lacks a nice drive, high hats, well thought-out layers and above all: melodies. 

I  like Rominimal, which makes me the happiest boy on the dance floor. It’s produced in Romania and would qualify as minimal but has nothing to do with the super popular minimal that was produced in the timeframe 2005-2012. Super effective bass lines combined with clear claps, snares and multi layers make this music rolling on, and on, and on. 

There are not many other genres that I like to listen to. So when I tell my friends I won’t join them for a party, it’s because I can’t stand music that will be played. However, I love to party with Dee, so I decided to ignore my picky side and go party with her. I mean, the weather forecast was sunny and I was off on Monday, so why not join my beloved party friend?

On Sunday morning I went to the gym, made a healthy lunch, put on my colourful shirt and shorts, and headed to a secret party spot somewhere in Amsterdam. Dee, who was already there, sent me a text: “we are going to move to a better place. I will send you the new location.” I made a U-turn and 30 minutes later I was able to give Dee a firm hug. 

The organization managed to find a spot in a very industrial area. At first sight it was small and the terrain was rough. A big square stone that formed the anchor for a wind turbine next to an uneven sandy surface with a small hill, formed the décor. 

I was looking around and saw a lot gorgeous boys and sexy girls having a really good time. When the night fell, the sandy dance floor transformed into a steamy organism full of boys getting rid of their shirts. Sweaty naked skin touching each other. 

Moving around in the crowd from the back to the front, or the right to the left, involved a lot of touching, tapping on shoulders or sides.  Sometimes holding hands for less than a second. Almost always followed by a nice smile or a spontaneous kiss on the cheek. This was not about scoring, but about having a good time with like-minded people. I go out quite a lot, and usually to parties that attract a predominantly straight audience. So flirting and, let alone, dancing in an intimate way with boys is almost never the case. 

While dancing, talking and smiling to the people around me, I realized that the music was far from monotone and boring. It was hard, no doubt about it, but it was full of extremely rolling bass lines and intense melodies. It was simply impossible to stand still, and jumping around seemed the only option. I was not the only one who was affected by the music. Everyone on the sandy floor was moving like crazy. This kind of music lifts you up, only to put you back on the ground many hours later.

‘Are you going often to parties like this?’ asked a cute boy while his hands were holding my sides and my hands were holding his. 

‘No normally I am not a big fan of the music that is played on illegal parties. But this one really surprised me’, I answered. 

‘Good’ he said, ‘I also love it.’ 

His smile could be seen from out of space. I put my arm around his neck to catch some breath.  I noticed how mixed the audience was in terms of clothing (or the absence of clothing), and other expressions. I am not going to describe the audience further by their preferences, who am I to label, but let me put it like this: If you are homophobic, transphobic or racist, this gathering is not for you. Can’t handle yourself when girls decide to take off their tops? You’d better stay home. 

Wherever I went people were dancing, laughing, chilling, kissing and talking and simply enjoying themselves and each other. Nothing but sweet and open-minded people on this industrial area of Amsterdam.

I found myself sitting alongside the dance floor with the smiley guy sitting on top of me. We kissed. My hands disappeared underneath his shirt, touching his back. A random guy tapped me on my shoulder and asked in a humorous way whether we asked consent. 

‘Never forget, consent is sexy!’ he joked. 

‘Am I allowed to touch your back?’ I asked the smiley guy. 

‘Well, for this time you can!’ he replied and asked: ‘Is it ok if I kiss you?’

‘It’s only ok if we go on for a while,’ I answered.

The party lasted for hours and eventually had to stop. It is not a shame to stop at a time that the normal world switches on the computers in their offices on Monday morning. On my way to the bike I spotted a group of people and I recognized one of the DJ’s. I asked them if they were responsible for this magical night and morning.

‘Yes we are!’ they answered. ‘Did you have a good time?’ 

Hell yeah! I had the time of my life. At home I found out the party was called Eerste Communie, and the people behind it live by one slogan: 

- If the music is good you dance –

A few weeks later they did their second event, somewhere in Amsterdam. Same vibe, same love but this time the music was even a bit better. It was one of the last sunny Sundays of the year and I assumed also their last party of the year.

You can understand that inside my belly a little confetti cannon exploded when I read they were going to throw an intimate indoor version. Dee and I got in contact and, of course, decided to go.

The maximum capacity was a few hundred people and they advised to come early. Since we were not the only ones who are attracted to the atmosphere, we followed their advice. We wanted to be sure to get in before the maximum capacity was reached. Very early in the afternoon, just after lunchtime, we headed to the location. Bam! Already a queue, but fortunately it was not too long. A sweet lady greeted us at the door and wished us a happy Sunday. Inside it was already quite full and all sorts of people were dancing. It didn’t take long before the whole venue was packed. 

At the toilet, I found a running order which was not released before. Everyone just trusted the organisation that the music would be good and the vibe outstanding. It doesn’t matter which artist opens or closes. I am relatively new in this genre and I don’t know many DJ names, but it doesn’t matter. 

On the running order there were Eerste Communie residents Windfuhr, Ole, Optics, Marron, LVTL and Ignez. Artists who were unknown to me six months ago because of my picky music preference. But they stole my heart and especially Ignez impressed me a lot, right from the first edition. Progressive-like music that draws you in overwhelming melodies and hard beats. It makes my ears really happy.

The people? Just as energetic, welcoming, open-minded and friendly as previous parties. Girls kissing guys, guys kissing guys, girls kissing girls, some dressed in black, some dressed in colours, some decorated with chains. I recognized lots of people from the outdoor parties but also spoke to a lot of people who were there for the first time. And they loved it. 

Here is no room for people who judge, or want to show off their party spirit on Instagram. It may be strange to say, but for some reason I feel 100% at ease in an environment like this. It is a sub culture of techno without the pretentious bullshit you encounter at other parties. It really is all about the love for techno and the connections you make.

The day transformed into the night and before I knew it, I spent over 12 hours in the venue. I wish all activities in life would pass by this quick. Two days later I still had a smile on my face when I thought about the party. Impressive how one organization is able to develop such an unique sound with DJ’s that are not super well-known. I hope the people behind it will go on for many more years, because I need gatherings like these.

Hopefully spring will come soon because I can’t wait for their next outdoor party and maybe, if we are lucky, they will find another indoor location. Whether I will have to wait a few weeks or a few months, it doesn’t matter. If the music is good, I dance.  


Check out their Facebookpage Eerste Communie Events

partiesLie A. Kietselaer